
Contribute now to elect unwavering mental health champions – policymakers who will fight to increase access to care when protecting patients demands it.

Mental health is top of mind for Americans. An overwhelming, bipartisan majority of registered voters agree that there is a growing mental health crisis in this country facing both adults (90%) and children and youth (91%).

Despite daunting stats and doomsday headlines, there are reasons for hope. We have a good sense of what works. Prevention works. Early intervention works. Treatments are remarkably effective. When people get the treatment they need, they can thrive.

When being the operative word. When people get the help they need, they can thrive.

We have a massive treatment gap in this country. Only half of people who need mental health care are currently getting it. Closing this treatment gap is essential for addressing America's mental health crisis.

We need elected officials dedicated to making quality mental health care accessible.

Fighting for mental health is a political winner. The vast majority of people have been personally impacted and want action. Nine-in-10 voters say expanding access to mental health care should be an important priority for elected officials.

So, what's the problem?

Special interests. Despite broad consensus that Americans need and deserve better mental health care, powerful interest groups are working overtime to protect the status quo. They use money and backroom deals to influence policymakers whose decisions shape our lives, leaving us to deal with the consequences. We're going to change that.

It's time that the millions of Americans who care about mental health have political influence of their own.

Mental Health PAC is a balancing force, putting power back on the side of the people. We're here to elect courageous lawmakers who prioritize mental health and will take on special interests when protecting people demands it.


Mental Health PAC exists to protect and elect high-impact state and federal candidates who make it their mission to improve access to mental health care in America.

This cycle, our focus will be on candidates for State Legislature, Governor, Insurance Commissioner, and some federal races.

To make us aware of a race or candidate, please email